quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2009



Farinha: 300 gr
Açúcar: 120 gr
Manteiga/ margarina: 150 gr
Gemas: 3
Limão: 1 (raspa)
Margarina: q.b.
Farinha: q.b.
Gemas: q.b.
Água: q.b.
Sal: q.b.


Amassa-se tudo e fazem-se pequenas bolas.
Passam-se por gema de ovo (batida com água e uma pitada de sal), salpicam-se com açúcar e vão ao forno num tabuleiro untado de margarina e polvilhado com farinha.


O forno deve estar pré-aquecido, demoram entre 15 a 20 minutos a cozer. Os bolinhos devem ser colocados no tabuleiro com 2cm de intervalo.




Flour: 300 gr
Sugar: 120 gr
Butter/ margarine: 150 gr
Egg yolks: 3
Lemon: 1 (grated zest)
Margarine/ butter: as much as is needed
Flour: as much as is needed
Egg yolks: as much as is needed
Water: as much as is needed
Salt: as much as is needed


Knead all ingredients and mold small dough balls.
Brush with egg yolk (beaten with water and a pinch of salt), sprinkle with sugar and bake in a baking tray greased with margarine and coated with flour.


The oven must be preheated, the biscuits will take between 15 to 20 minutes to bake and must be placed at least 2 cm apart from each other.

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