Bacalhau demolhado: 1 posta por pessoa
Alho: 4 a 5 dentes por posta de bacalhau
Pão ralado: q.b.
Leite: 1 lt
Azeite: q.b.
Batatas: q.b.
Sal: a gosto
À noite põe o bacalhau em leite.
No dia seguinte passa as postas de bacalhau por pão ralado. Num pirex de ir ao forno deita bastante azeite e dispõe as postas de bacalhau.
Coloca os dentes de alho partidos ao meio. Pode guarnecer com batatas cortadas em palitos grandes, e temperar com sal a gosto.
Vai ao forno a alourar durante, mais ou menos, 40 minutos. Acompanha bem com vegetais cozidos ou salada verde.
Dried salted codfish: 1 tenderloin fillet, per person, already soaked
Garlic: 4-5 cloves per piece of codfish
Grated bread: as much as is needed
Milk: 1 lt
Olive oil: as much as is needed
Potatoes: as much as is needed
Salt: to taste
Place the codfish in milk the night before.
The next day involve the pieces of codfish with breadcrumbs.
Pour enough olive oil into a baking dish, and place the pieces of codfish.
Place the garlic cloves sliced in half. Garnish with potatoes cut into large sticks and season with salt to taste.
Let it bake for, more or less, 40 minutes until it gets crunchy.
This dish goes well with boiled vegetables or green salad.